Downtown 66


Laura abernathy huffman

Historian Laura Abernathy Huffman crafts tales of small-town history along and near the Mother Road.

Her mission is to bring that history to life in a memorable and tangible way in entertaining formats.

Laura was lucky to grow up with old alignments of Route 66 and Highway 28 to explore with her brothers in the family's backyard. Their school bus bumped along the dirt path to Possum Lodge on the Big Piney river.

Her unique storytelling style is authentic and inherited. She is the ancestral cousin of Stub Border- "the greatest tie-rafter of them all."

She honed her style and skill on back roads, archival rooms, and taverns across central and southeast Missouri.

For refuge and recreation she seeks out her family of friends on the Big Piney at Devils Elbow.

connect with laura

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Email Laura at rubydewcreativehouse@gmail.

Downtown 66 is a RubyDew Creative project.